segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2011

Seventh progress report on economic, social and territorial cohesion

The urban and regional dimension of Europe 2020 : Seventh progress report on economic, social and territorial cohesion / European Commission. Directorate-General for Regional Policy ; Johannes Hahn and László Andor

The seventh progress report on economic, social and territorial cohesion highlights the urban and regional dimension of the Europe 2020 strategy. This report was adopted shortly after the publication of legislative proposals for the cohesion policy period 2014 to 2020. These proposals underline the critical contribution cohesion policy will make to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and the Europe 2020 headline targets.
This report shows that cities and regions are faced with different combinations of development problems and growth potential. This is one of the main reasons cohesion policy uses an integrated approach that can be adjusted to local needs and opportunities.
Cities contain some of the biggest contradictions. Cities are highly productive, yet productivity growth in most cities was below the national average. Living and working in cities is less polluting, but city dwellers are exposed to more pollution. Cities offer the greatest concentration of employment opportunities, but in many Member States cities have the highest share of jobless households.
To support the preparation of the new cohesion policy programmes, this report measures the distance of EU regions to their national 2020 targets. This provides each region with a baseline, which can be used in regional development strategies, programme monitoring and evaluations.
This analysis does not imply that all regions can or should reach the national 2020 targets. This is neither realistic nor desirable. The clustering of R&D, for example, can generate strong, positive spillovers. The concentration of poverty and exclusion, however, can intensify deprivation, making it even more difficult to address.
The real challenge is to identify how cohesion policy can make the biggest contribution to positive change.

In conclusion, for the next round of cohesion policy, programmes should select their investment priorities taking into account their baseline and concentrate on domains where investments will make the biggest contribution to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In this way, cohesion policy will become the efficient, results-oriented, integrated policy that the Union needs to realise its Europe 2020 strategy. [Johannes Hahn and László Andor]

Regional Policy. ISSN 1683-1144

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