domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2011

European public procurement

European public procurement is of interest to millions of citizens and companies. This practical guide aims at facilitating understanding of and participation in this procurement system.European public procurement is based on three web services: eNotices, SIMAP and TED.
  • TED (Tenders Electronic Daily), the web version of the Supplement to the Offi cial Journal of the European Union or OJ S, is the one-stop official source for timely information on public procurement opportunities in the European Union, the European Economic Area and beyond. The contracting authorities for tenders can be central governments, local or regional authorities, bodies governed by public law, or associations consisting of authorities or bodies governed by public law.In compliance with EU directives and international agreements, notices for public works, services and supply contracts above certain thresholds must be published in the OJ S.
  • eNotices is a tool for preparing public procurement notices and sending them for publication in the OJ S.
  • SIMAP provides access to information about public procurement in Europe, for buyers as well as for suppliers.

European public procurement :

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